Currently, the player has almost complete control over what kind of card he wants to get.

By increasing rarity percentages, player chances of getting exactly the rarity he needs also increase. For example, if epic is at 100%, the player will definitely get an Epic card.
Rarity types: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary.
- Capsule cost is increased every time rarity is increased, each rarity has their own assigned price and higher rarities are more expensive than the others.
- Rarity can only amount to 100% at all times. This means that players can see at all times their chance of getting a rarity that they want to craft. For example, legendary rarity is at 40%, common rarity is at 50% and epic is at 10%.
- Whenever player upgrades a higer rarity while the previous rarity is at 100%, the lesser rarity will decrease. For example, player has his rarity set at rare 100%, if he then increases epic rarity, epic will go up and rare will decrease.
- Common rarity can’t be increased or decreased. It’s a default rarity that players get whenever they craft, they can only decrease it by increasing another rarity. It will only turn to 0% when players have other rarities amounting at 100%.
- Each rarity has a diffrent percentage increase rate.
- Rare - Increase by 20% and can be increased 5 times before it amounts to a 100%
- Epic - Increase by 10% and can be increased 10 times before amounting to a 100%
- Legendary - Increase by 5 percent and can be increased 5 times only amounting to 50%.

Players can turn off colors that they might not need for their deck. Eg. If player turns off every color except blue, he will get a blue card.
Colors that can be turned off: Neutral, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green.
- Colors are turned on at all times and players can tap on them to turn them off.
- Each time player turns off a color, it eliminates the cances of that card being given to the player.
- Players can buy a capusle only when at lease one color is turned on.

Player can choose which type of card he wants to obtain.
- Mythic capsules give mythic cards
- Normal capsules give normal cards
Mythic and Normal capsules have diffrent prices, mythic being more expensive to craft.

Players can reroll their card for either Crypto Coins or Neocoins at half a price once.
Players can access crafring from muliple game sections.
¶ From main screen