Challenge other players and win to earn Valor. |
When other players challenge you, they will battle your defence party. |
You have 5 free challenges per day. Challenges reset at 05:00 CEST every day. |
In the Arena, the challenger attacs first, then the defender. |
If victory or defeat cannot be determined within 40 rounds, the defender wins. |
Once each Character frim both sides has made a move, it counts as 1 round. |
The Arena will close at 23:00 CEST every day. Arena personal Daily Rewards will be issued at 00:00 CEST every Sunday. |
The Arena will reset at 00:00 CEST every day. |
Arena points and ranking will reset every 28 days. |
If the difference in score between you and other player is too large, refreshing opponents may not result in any changes. |
In the Arena, elemental advantage increase damage by 25%. |